In March 2010, thirteen-year-old Taylor Storch’s life was tragically cut short by a skiing accident. With only a few minutes to consider their options, her grieving family made the life-changing decision to donate her organs.
I heard about Taylor’s story on the radio one morning and was touched by her parent’s words. I immediately checked out their website to learn more about their cause.
In April 2013, during National Donate Life Month, Taylor’s Gift Foundation created a clever way for organ donation to be an easy part of any conversation. With the help of OPI’s exclusive “Taylor Blue” nail lacquer, the “Paint it Forward” campaign was born, and quickly proved to be as effective as it was simple.
Supporters were encouraged to paint their nails Taylor Blue and share their photos through social media using #TaylorBlue. This simple show of support ended up exposing millions of people to the idea of becoming an organ donor.
Once the Taylor Blue nail polish was avaliable in their Online Store, I immediately purchased a bottle.
The color is absolutely beautiful and it is easily one of my favorite colors now. I received many compliments when wearing the polish and loved the opportunity to share a little about Taylor’s Gift and encouraging others to visit the website, as well.
I also made sure I was signed up as an Organ donor! If you are interested in becoming an Organ Donar, check out their website: